18 July 2010

on public indulgence.

each time i find myself at a shopping mall i become increasingly more uncomfortable with the amount of pampering that is taking place in the main thoroughfare of the building.  what started as awkward massages given in plain view has grown into a plethora of self-indulgent stands offering services such as: hand massages with lotions & soaps, cheesy children's photos (today i saw a 3-year old dressed in 1920's garb), hair styling & eyebrow grooming.  the eyebrow grooming is what gets me.  are you so pressed for time that you cannot make an appointment at a proper salon?  or, perhaps worse, were you walking by & had nothing better to do than to lie down in the middle of the walkway to have someone go at your brows with dental floss (a portion of it in the tweezer's mouth!)?  nothing better?? i am terrified of walking too near these particular kiosks for fear of getting caught in a hairy cloud of discarded brows.  eeesh.

on the upside, there is the shopping portion of the trip.  the redeeming factor.  enduring the relentless questioning from the center aisles is worth it when you find treasures!

i am off to play a game of co-ed soccer in the rain, i think.  i am quite nervous for many reasons.
i am not certain that i remember the rules.
i definitely do not have any skills.
it's a lot of running.  and coordination.

wish me luck?

update: soccer went well!  i even scored the first goal for my team! and yes, i did run around the field screaming, "goooooooaaaalllll" at the top of my lungs.
(who wouldn't?)


Wyatt said...

The eyebrow threading is horrible... but I can do you one worse: Baybrook Mall does teeth whitening.

Good luck with the soccer, I'm sure you'll do great! I have to admit that hearing about co-ed soccer in the rain sounds like a great opening to a romantic comedy or steamy romance novel. :)

bob said...

A little 5 yr old standing in the middle of the soccer field like a statue crying her eyes out...going to play soccer today? Or better yet a junior in high school playing soccer and getting kicked very solidly in the cr__ch....going out to play soccer today? They say you block out bad memories!! love, bob

Leila! said...

Okay -- Heidi and you're mom's comments were hilarious. Loved reading them! And your description of eyebrow threading!

How did soccer go?? Please share!

allison. said...

congratulations! what a soccer star!

i'm sad that i missed out on it... only three more weeks! (today i literally felt anxious thinking about it.)