04 February 2011

Moving Forward, Looking Back.

 I've spent the week packing up my office in preparation for my next role at work.  It's a bittersweet feeling.  I'll be moving into a new group downtown as a 'Senior Analyst' which sounds more important that it actually is (I hope), and with it comes an entirely new set of faces, buildings & challenges.  It is certainly a welcome change of pace, but I cannot help but feel sentimental as I leave my beloved geoscience nest.  I started my career with this group and over the course of the past three years I have really made a home at 3 Greenway Plaza.  I will carry cherished memories of business trips abroad, learning to love science (geology specifically) & troglodytes, understanding what it means to enjoy real coffee in the afternoons with snobby coffee f(r)iends, thai wars, happy hours, kind gestures & genuine friendships.  I will take so much more than I bargained for from this assignment, and I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to grow with such a wonderful group of people & set of responsibilities.

I was treated to a going-away party/roast this afternoon.  It was humbling to see so many faces come to wish me well, and humorous to listen to those recount our experiences through the years.  And the parting gifts were quite thoughtful & creative.  The room was filled with laughter, happiness & cupcakes! 

With that, I bid you farewell dear URC.  You will forever hold a special place in this honorary geologist's (yes, it's official!) heart.

Here goes nothing...


Leila! said...

Awww Camille! I completely understand this feeling!
You are so lucky to have had such an amazing experience. BEST OF LUCK IN YOUR NEW ROLE! It's going to be just as awesome because you always make the best of all the situations that life throws your way. :)

Marc said...

"Doooooooooowwntowwwwwn... Things will be great when you're dowwwwwntowwwn!"