09 January 2011

The Saturday Switch.

We woke up Saturday morning in need of some sprucing.  The result: a new dining room. A quick trip for supplies (Michael's, Lowe's & Ikea), some nostalgia whilst scavenging for frame-worthy items, a couple of coats later and voila!  The project was not only fun, but a success!  Who is coming over for coffee & treats later?

Before No. 1

Before No. 2

After No. 1
After No. 2

A close-up of our new 'wall-of-fame'.

Now, back to finishing my book in bed.  The rain is pouring outside my window & Miles is curled up next to me.  Keeping me warm.  Enjoy your Sunday!



allison. said...

lovely! i miss it already.

Leila! said...

Holy cow! I LOVE IT!
Seriously! The "wall of fame" is SO my favorite... but the curtains add so much!
I can't wait to see it in person.
Wonderful job guys!