19 January 2011

On Baking Bread...

I have been enjoying the smell of freshly baked bread in my home as of late.  It's reason enough to keep the loaves coming.  Recently, I noticed the curious little man on the side of the bread flour package.  What a silly touch!

One of the quotes reads:
If thou tastest a crust of bread, thou tastest all the stars and all the heavens.
Dramatic indeed, but I kind of agree.

This week it's the Shiner Bock Cheddar Loaf.  Mmmmm!



allison. said...

yum! it always smells so good in the house when you make bread!

i love the dramatic little man, too.

Wyatt said...

You've definitely inspired me to roll my sleeves up and bake some bread! I used to do it all the time... I think I need a loaf pan like you have.

That muscle man is so cute!

Leila! said...

That bread is deep.