09 December 2010

The Ball Jar.

The Mason Jar is such a simple beauty.  I think that Anna was onto something with her artistic recreation of the jars.
Recently I've been looking at images of old Ball Jars online.  They were once created in shades of




Apparently there are some pretty avid collectors out there.  This write-up caught my eye.  The collection coupled with the collector's commentary has sparked my interest.  What a neat collection!  I'm intrigued!

There is also a Flickr group dedicated to jar photos.  And this funny photo caught my eye.  Just look at that Sneed!

I know that I have a lot of collections, but...



allison. said...

did you notice that while the blue jar is the 'perfect mason' the brown is apparently 'improved'? interesting.

sneed, miles & jars?

Leila! said...

No doubt that this would be an awesome collection to start!! I love it! Really, really, really.